Our Services

our services

We have extensive experience in handling planning matters for both large and small scale developments including residential, commercial, retail and industrial development. Our experience, and the planning services we provide cater for a wide range of projects and in doing so we are held in high esteem by clients who have availed of the following services:


We provide professional, independent planning opinions and appraisals of development opportunities for a variety of sites/properties, such as the suitability of a prospective project and its compatibility with planning policy, along with the scale / quantum of development that can be achieved.  We have provided such a service to land owners, developers, financial institutions and valuers. We also provide advice on planning considerations associated with a site or existing development which may involve amending an existing land use to an alternative use, extending the duration of an extant planning permission, reviewing conditions attached to a grant of permission.  Our area of expertise is in advising on the feasibility of accommodating various types of development and uses and the best strategy to adopt in achieving a grant of planning permission.

Planning Applications

One of the main areas of expertise that we have is in the preparation, co-ordination, submission and monitoring of planning applications.  Our expertise allows us to inform and guide an applicant to obtaining a successful grant of planning permission from house extensions to large scale residential and commercial developments.


We are currently involved in a range of LRD applications for housing and are experienced to guide clients through this planning process.

Planning Appeals and Appeal Responses

We are experienced in preparing First and Third Party appeals and appeal responses for a broad range of development proposals.  We will discuss with clients prior to submitting any details to An Bord Pleanála the particulars of a project and provide professional advice.  Each submission is individually prepared based on our knowledge and experience of planning legislation and planning policy.

Planning Submissions

We prepare submissions to Planning Authorities in relation to various plans e.g. County Development Plans and Local Area Plans, covering aspects of planning policy and land use zoning.  We monitor Development Plans and their Core Strategies and ensure our clients are informed of how to protect their interests.

Oral Hearings & Expert Witness

We have experience in preparing statements of evidence and presenting evidence as Expert Witnesses at both Oral Hearings and in Court and have acted on behalf of clients such as developers and community projects in relation to projects such as large-scale residential developments and infrastructural projects.  Our aim is to ensure that the best arguments are put forward on behalf of our clients.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Large scale planning proposals require environmental impact assessment and we have experience in the preparation and co-ordination of environmental impact assessment reports (EIAR), combining and managing the necessary input from specialist contributors and experts to produce a comprehensive assessment of the proposed development.

Retail Impact Assessment

We provide advice to commercial developers and retailers on planning considerations associated with the scale and siting of new developments.  We are also experienced in the preparation of Retail Impact Assessments.

Project Management

Our experience as design team members for large scale planning applications allows us to ensure that planning considerations are incorporated from inception through to lodgement of the planning application and that the planning application is managed efficiently and delivered to our clients’ deadlines.

Extending the Life of a Planning Permission

We have successfully extended the duration of many extant permissions thus ensuring the commercial viability of a site/asset.  It is essential that such applications are successfully managed to ensure that they remain compliant with current planning standards.